No More Frogs - Astrological Guide Books by Cathrine Dahl

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Shortcut to happiness

It doesn’t take much…

“Maybe you should read your own book?”
Although I was looking at a text message, I could feel his eyes. Time flies when you’re busy…

Impulsive attention and a friendly gesture can make a big difference. Alas, work and daily distractions sometimes make us forget ourselves and others. When you finally realize that your absence is felt, it hits you - and you hope it’s not too late…

This is the inspiration behind the first post in my new, weekly journal. Hopefully the suggestions below will inspire you to bring out the smile in someone special. :-)


Shortcut to happiness

Aries | 21 March - 20 April
The Essence: Embrace my energy

The challenge is not having too much going on, but not enough. These naturally born multitaskers are up for whatever. You can throw anything at the Aries, and they’ll handle it - provided you don’t ask them to sit still and do nothing. Taking off for a few days? Sure! Checking out a new outdoor activity? Of course! Positive energy is the force behind everything they do. Affirmation is very important too. If they don’t get it, well, they might get put off - for a few minutes.

Shortcut to happiness: Easy. Anything which will add a bit of energy and sense of adventure to the day. Try suggesting a massage during lunch break, get tickets for a sporting event or something action packed, have a mini-picnic in the park… be creative.

Taurus | 21 April - 20 May
The Essence: Appreciate me

Bending over backwards in order to reach a goal or to help someone, is no big deal for these people - provided it’s worth it. Being taken for granted or being unintentionally overlooked will either hurt or infuriate them. They very seldom slam the door in someone’s face, but when they do they usually have a good reason - the door will remain closed.

Shortcut to happiness: Appreciation can take on many forms. A casual hello, an unexpected text ‘just checking to see how you’re doing’ may seem like nothing much, but the Taurus will appreciate it. A small gift is super. If you overdo it, the Taurus might feel cornered or start worrying about how to make it up to you. Make it simple and personal.

Gemini | 21 May - 20 June
The Essence: Inspire and excite me

Sharp, restless, enthusiastic and efficient… never underestimate these people. The ‘don’t-bother-me-with-details’ approach may be interpreted as ignorance, but that’s a big misunderstanding. Geminis have so much stuff on their plate, they simply don’t have time for - nor interest in - the nitty-gritty stuff. Life is for living - now! Seizing the moment applies to every aspect of Gemini’s life, work, love and erotic activities. People who need to ‘think about it for a while’, will soon find themselves lagging behind.

Shortcut to happiness: Impulsiveness is the key. Come up with fun ideas. Big or small, it doesn’t matter as long as it radiates excitement. A weekend abroad to attend a fun happening, dashing off for a flash sale at a local shop, trying out a new work-out craze or getting an Oriental massage. Having a playmate brings out the sunshine in these people.

Cancer | 21 June - 22 July
The Essence: Reassure me

Does the ideal partner really exist? The Cancerians seem to fit the general perception many have of that perfect someone: ‘He must be strong and sensitive’, or ‘She must be a good mother, a hot lover and trusted friend’. These people are truly masculine and truly feminine - with a solid portion of sensitivity tossed in. Add a little passion, and we have the makings of an Italian opera. Drama comes easy to the Cancer something which tends to spice things up a bit. Sure, they may be slightly challenging at times, but with every challenge comes a big reward.

Shortcut to happiness: There’s no need to go over the top. Attention, reassurance and a small gift is all it takes. A nice and unexpected text message, one flower - just because it’s a Tuesday, helping out with boring tasks, offer to give a massage… a whisper speaks volumes for these people.

Leo | 23 July - 22 August
The Essence: Admire me

To be at the receiving end of Leo’s generosity is pure bliss. If you’ve never experienced ‘over the top’ before, you’re in for a treat. These people expects life to be a journey through prosperity and happiness. They have an amazing ability to put a positive spin on virtually anything. Unrealistic? Maybe. Encouraging and inspiring? Absolutely! Herein lies the curse… When reality knocks, it takes more than a magic wand to make the bad vibes disappear. A Leo doesn’t thrive in the rain.

Shortcut to happiness: Go big! Go big on everything. Go big on praise, enthusiasm and positivity. Choose settings and situations which will allow your Leo to shine. If possible, be the bearer of good news.

Virgo | 23 August - 22 September
The Essence: Ease my mind

Considering how much time these people spend working, perfecting and producing, it’s amazing how they still have energy to play. Virgos never seem to grow up. They have a youthful flair and engage in activities long after their friends have retired their trainers - and party boots - to the attic. The fact that these people are notorious worriers may have something to do with it. Playing is time-out from responsibilities, stress - and themselves. Work hard, play hard, stay sane!

Shortcut to happiness: Don’t fuss when it gets hectic. Provide an oasis from everyday life. Let them rattle on about things. Invite them out - or home - for a meal (no mess in the flat, please). Inspire them with new information and make them laugh.

Libra | 23 September - 22 October
The Essence: Surround me with beauty

The Libra sees every side to the story, which makes them super-diplomatic. However, this may affect other areas of their lives - like being able to make their minds up. Hmm… am I doing the right thing? No matter how trying this may be for the people around them, the Libra usually manages to come out on top. They are experts at making life comfortable, beautiful, enjoyable - and silly upsets, forgetable.

Shortcut to happiness: Help them cut through with sensible reasoning. Attention is important. A little gift and a touch of luxury will (like an afternoon glass of Champagne) will brighten up their day. If you want to take it further, try the ultimate romantic evening; soft music, dimmed lights, exquisite delicacies… may sound a little cliché for some, but not to the Libra.

Scorpio | 23 October - 21 November
The Essence: Bring me joy

These are mysterious creatures. Interacting with a Scorpio sometimes feels like playing hockey with the lights out. You know the puck is coming, but you have no idea when or where it’s gonna hit you. Although outgoing and friendly, there is something private about them. That glance which lasts a little longer… The comment which seemed to have a double meaning… Scorpio spells mystery. Passion and sensitivity rule their lives. This applies to everything, both positive and negative!

Shortcut to happiness: It’s actually quite simple: JOY! Be enthusiastic! Be happy! Inspire the Scorpio with positive ideas. Suggest activities which makes the Scorpio feel alive (check out their preferred interests). Bring laughter into their lives. A small ray of sunshine is all it takes.

Sagittarius | 22 November - 21 December
The Essence: Share my enthusiasm

They are always ahead of time, moving onwards with great ideas, amazing enthusiasm and provocative frankness. Being around Sagittarians will make you embrace life and gain faith in humanity - or get incredibly stressed. These are frank, honest and energetic individuals - with no filter! Speaking without thinking, or speaking while pretending not to think, is a habit. Although they love these jaw dropping moments, they never intend to hurt. If there’s anybody who’s willing to jump up on the barricades and fight for justice, it’s Sagittarius!

Shortcut to happiness: Remember, you are dealing with restless people. Don’t make them wait - for anything. Show enthusiasm for their ideas. Ask for advice. Surprise them with a spur of the moment invitation; lunch at a fun place, a pop-up event etc.

Capricorn | 22 December - 19 January
The Essence: Don’t hassle me

There are two versions of the Capricorn. Those who get up and get going, and those who hang around and wait until the train has left station - …and even until the station has closed down. The get-up-and-get-going Capricorn represents the true image of ambition, hard work and determination. (Think: Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon: The world’s richest man started off by selling books in the garage.) They’re proud of it and hate being hassled for their effort.

Shortcut to happiness: Offer to help, or let them get on with things until they’re ready for a break. Applaud their ambition, their knowledge and persistence. A personal treat or small ‘good-job’ gift will be appreciated - provided it’s quality. A cheap little something will be regarded as an insult.

Aquarius | 20 January - 18 February
The Essence: Enlighten me

They don’t really mean to shock or surprise you, but for some reason they always do. The ideas seem to come out of nowhere. Just like whimsical butterflies dancing in the rays of summer - fascinating, mesmerizing and impossible to keep track of. Sometimes everything moves so fast they manage to confuse themselves.

Shortcut to happiness: There are two distinct options, depending on the situation. If your Aquarius is stressed, offer to take some load off their shoulders and help them find direction. For general boosts of joy, try impulsive suggestions: Lunch time foot massage, a quick snack in a new deli, a fashion show by a local designer… be creative.

Pisces | 19 February - 20 March
The Essence: Embrace me and my dreams

These people may fool you with their tough-nosed approach. Behind that ‘chest forward’ aura of masculinity, and the strong feminine ‘leave it to me, I’ll handle it’ attitude, hides layers and layers of sensitivity. The Pisces may give you the impression of being comfortable in the oceans of the world. However, what they’re really looking for is a safe harbour.

Shortcut to happiness: Take the initiative - and take charge! Relieve the Pisces of the burden of responsibility. Organize an evening out - or an evening in.

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