No More Frogs - Astrological Guide Books by Cathrine Dahl

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Pushing through your barriers

Pushing through your barriers

Most of us can reach further. Most of us can break out of a stale cycle which prevents us from getting on in our lives. Most of us can choose to embrace positivity instead of letting details bring us down. Most of us could use a swift kick in the old backside…

Every sign has it’s pros and cons. This week I’ll give you some thoughts around what’s holding you back. Next week, I’ll provide you with tips to unlock your potential.

You always have options. Go for the good ones! :-)


Food for thought…

Aries | 21 March - 20 April

Jump the fence: Criticism is not really your thing – at all. Even the smallest hint puts you on the defensive and makes you come up with all sorts of arguments to justify yourself. Your need to ‘be best’ makes you very sensitive to negative comments – or at least comments you perceive as negative. That’s the thing. Constructive criticism can actually be a great tool for you to achieve more and reach new heights. Take a deep breath. Listen and learn.

Taurus | 21 April - 20 May

Jump the fence: Contentment can be wonderful. Contentment can also be an excuse for accepting a status quo which is of no benefit to you. It can lead to laziness and lack of interest in improving yourself and your situation. You have it in you to achieve really big things, simply because you are thorough, persistent - and quite stubborn. Just look at the famous Taurus, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook. He got off the couch…

Gemini | 21 May - 20 June

Jump the fence: No wonder your sign is the twin, because there really ought to be two of you in one person. There is so much going on – all the time. You skim the headlines and tell people to give you the short version. Your attention span is short and you loose interest quickly. Although sharp and alert, you risk missing out on important information which could be very beneficial to you both professionally and in your personal life. Pace yourself. Listen. Take time to fully explore and experience.

Cancer | 21 June - 22 July

Jump the fence: Your kindness and generosity is unparalleled in the zodiac. Being generous results in positive reassurance which makes you feel secure and loved. This is where you need to be a little cautious… Leaving your happiness and self-esteem in the hands of others will make you very vulnerable. And when you feel vulnerable, you protect yourself by seeking reassurance in different ways. Take charge of your own happiness. Respect yourself!

Leo | 23 July - 22 August

Jump the fence: You have a ray of sunshine for everybody. Joy, positivity, enthusiasm… it’s in your aura. However, if your sunshine needs to be reflected in bling in order for you to shine stronger, the sparkle will eventually fade. Don’t allow your fascination for superficial beauty to determine your path. You can easily be led astray by things which may be gone tomorrow. Go deeper. Seek the hidden gems. Look for true treasures which will enrich your life in the long term.

Virgo | 23 August - 22 September

Jump the fence: It’s in the details - you know that. You pride yourself in striving for perfection. If you manage to establish a ‘start-finish’ schedule, then you can achieve big things. If you consistently see the need to improve, you may end up being more concerned about the details than the actual end-result. Worrying that it may not be good enough - or worrying in general, can prevent to you from taking the leap to the next level in your life. Let go of insecurities. Be proud of yourself!

Libra | 23 September - 22 October

Jump the fence: Beauty and harmony is the essence of the Libra. Life would be dull without it. You cherish it and worry that if you make a decision today, something better might turn up tomorrow. The same applies when presented with choices. Remember: ‘He who chases two rabbits catches neither.’ This applies to everything in your life – especially when it comes to love and partners. If you’ve got a good thing going, don’t let your indecisiveness mess it up. Make it a rule never to start anything new before you have finished your current project – or relationship.

Scorpio | 23 October - 21 November

Jump the fence: Creative, energetic and passionate - with a seductive aura of mystery… there is no one quite like you. This enigma can hit both ways. It can be intriguing and draw people to you, or it can be annoying and push people away. Sometimes, interacting with a Scorpio is like playing Ping-Pong with the lights out! The ball is coming, but no one knows where or when it’s going to hit. Make life a little easier for yourself. Open up. Communicate. Let people know what’s on your mind. There are very few mind readers out there. You cannot expect to move forward if people need to guess where you are going.

Sagittarius | 22 November - 21 December

Jump the fence: The childlike enthusiasm, the drive and the genuine positivity is simply magic. You can turn darkness into bright, sparkling light with a snap of a finger - …or you can do the opposite. Failing to connect with reality can get you off course. Sometimes we need to face challenging sides to life. Refusing to take on the problem won’t make it go away. If you keep pushing stuff under the carpet, you risk tripping over the bump. Take a deep breath and tackle situations when they arise. Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance.

Capricorn | 22 December - 19 January

Jump the fence: Planning is essential. Knowing how to do things is just as important. You pride yourself in doing things on your own - no matter how long it takes. However, learning as you go and including people in your plans, can make you achieve more and reach your goals faster. People may even inspire you to come up with new and extended goals. Sure, you can reach mountain tops on your own, but if you really want to make an impact in your life, you need to reach wider. Check out Mr. Bezos who got started by selling books in his garage. Today, this Capricorn - and founder of Amazon, is the world’s richest man.

Aquarius | 20 January - 18 February

Jump the fence: There will always be a new dawn to enjoy, new horizons to explore, a fascinating topic to get into… there will always be a reason for you to drift on - which is why you need to hold on for a second. If you allow your constant urge to discover and renew to dominate your life, you will find it difficult to get into the essence of things - and emotions. You don’t have to turn everything around, just focus on being present in the moment. Ground yourself a little and be mindful. Connect with people who are in your presence. This will make your relationships stronger.

Pisces | 19 February - 20 March
The Essence: Be sincere

Jump the fence: You have a big heart and you really want people around you to thrive and be happy. It’s never your intention to crowd or impose, you simply find it natural to mother people. You are confident that with the right encouragement, things will turn out good. Without knowing it, you are adding lots of responsibilities to your life. Your faith and enthusiasm make you walk into one hopeless situation after the other - willingly. It’s wonderful when everything works. However, you risk drain yourself and being taken for a ride by people who do not share your noble intentions.

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